About The Massaging Geek

Granted, there are allllll types of massage therapists. There are deep tissue therapists (not I), hot stone therapists (I), prenatal (used to be), Thai massage therapists (oh heck no), and so on. The list is so long and new modalities are coming out all the time!

But in my experience, there is one thing that we all have in common - we're all human. Humans get bored easily and need things to entertain them. Some read, some play golf (wait, I've never met one that did that), and the very rare ones like myself that live the strong, all-consuming life of a geek

In my long career as a massage therapist, there have been a variety of other styles of MT's that came and went from my life, but the geeks tend to cling to each other. The readers, the Harry Potter geeks, the movie fanatics, the tv show nerds, the anime freaks, the video gamers, and the board gamers - these are all my people! 

Throughout the years of working at big name spas, I met a lot of amazing people, both clients, spa administrators, massage therapists, and estheticians. My life was completely changed from the nervous life of solitude to a life with people who understood me, well at least part of me. Who can really understand all of someone, am I right? There were constant inside jokes, and things that only a massage therapist can say and get away with in polite company. 

Having survived the drama-filled, stress-filled life of a massage spa chain therapist (two chains to be exact), I follow the leads of other MT's and found a way to open my own office. There were a lot of stumbled along the way, but it's been a great journey so far! The problem is (as I'm sure other MT's can testify), I hadn't thought about what to do after I physically couldn't massage anymore. I love what I do so much that the thought of there being a time when I can't help someone wasn't a place I mentally wanted to go. 

When deciding where I wanted to go with my future, I thought about ways that I could combine my love of massage and my geekiness, and share them with the other Massaging Geeks out there in the world. That and I just love seeing shirts that blend my obsessions with my career. I love it, but I don't see as many out there as I would like, and my brain just explodes with ideas!

So here we are - The Massaging Geek is the name of the music playlist in my office. It's a blend of soft piano music, some new age mixes, but the majority of it is soft covers to oldies songs, and tons and tons of geek music! The clients don't even know that the sounds they're sleeping to are from my favorite Playstation One games or a tv show that they've never heard of. While the music is there to help them drift into a parasympathetic state, it's also there for me, so having songs that make me smile is worth it to them too. 

Stepping my toe into this kind of blend encouraged me to try more than a toe into the world of a Massaging Geek. Whether you're a geek or a massage therapist, I hope you enjoy this shop and see something you like. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to let me know!

Stay safe and get a massage soon!
